Architectural Exhibits, Detailed Work Write-up and Cost Estimates
Based on the initial site visit and inputs from buyer regarding their renovation plans, the 203k consultant will prepare a concise document regarding the project’s scope and specifications. Architectural exhibits along with a detailed cost breakdown for each of the repair tasks will also be included. Additionally, the 203k consultant will also prepare lender packages and contractor bid packages that contain everything mentioned above. Finally, draw request forms based on the work plan to be followed will be prepared.
Once the detailed work write-up is completed, a copy of the complete package with all the required documents is submitted to the lender, contractor and the borrower.
Choosing a Contractor
The borrower will then invite bids from contractors to complete the work listed in the consultant write-up. Before you proceed with the contractor bid process, make sure your 203k lender agrees to it. Most active 203k lenders may have pre-screened list of eligible contractors and they may stipulate that the work is done through one of them. If not, they may have a set of requirements for a contractor handling the rehab work. It is highly advisable to work with a contractor who is well aware of the 203k guidelines and understand the steps involved in it. If you are going to be working with a new contractor who has no prior experience, make them understand the draw process and the work completion schedule as determined by the 203k consultant in the write-up package.